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Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas and Is It Safe For Pets

Tracy Isenberg, LVT

Tracy Isenberg, LVT

Licensed Vet Tech
Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas and Is It Safe For Pets

If you are seeking natural ingredients and remedies to protect your pet from fleas and ticks, you may be wondering if diatomaceous earth is an effective option.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) can kill active lice, mites, adult fleas, ticks, and other pests when applied correctly. However, you should never apply it directly on dogs and cats. And diatomaceous earth isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Diatomaceous earth does not get rid of flea problems at the source (i.e. flea reproduction). This means it doesn’t kill flea eggs, larvae, or pupae, (the flea life cycle) or prevent fleas from developing

To effectively treat fleas and flea infestations, you’ll need:

Pet parents, keep reading to learn the truth about using diatomaceous earth for fleas. Plus, learn the answers to some frequently asked questions from cat and dog parents about using DE for pet health needs.

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Types of diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth, in its natural form, is a fine powder made from fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. Diatoms lived in lakes, oceans, and other waterways in prehistoric times.

There are a few types of diatomaceous earth:

  • Food grade
  • Filter grade

Here are the differences and similarities between them:

What is food-grade diatomaceous earth

Food-grade diatomaceous earth

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is "Generally Recognized As Safe" by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for human consumption.

To qualify as food-grade DE, there must be less than 10 mg/kg of lead and arsenic in the diatomaceous earth. It is often used as:

  • A natural flea control option to kill fleas without harsh chemicals
  • An anti-caking agent for food and beverages like beer
  • As a dietary supplement

The food-grade version of diatomaceous earth has a lower level of crystalline silica and lead compared to other versions. But, be careful when using it for or near your pets because crystalline silica can be toxic in large quantities.

While safe for human consumption, it may upset the gastrointestinal tract. DE can cause lung irritation and scarring if inhaled, so exercise caution when using diatomaceous earth.

Filter-grade diatomaceous earth

Filter-grade DE (also known as industrial-grade) is not safe for use in your home. Industrial-grade DE contains up to 60% crystalline silica (silicon dioxide) which is toxic to humans, dogs, and cats.

It is often used for:

  • Water filtration (like pools)
  • Dynamite production
  • Indoor and outdoor paints

Frequently asked questions

How diatomaceous earth works

Finding an effective flea preventative for avoiding flea infestations can be challenging. Before you buy diatomaceous earth as a flea control solution, consider these questions from pet parents.

Is diatomaceous earth safe?

Although DE is a natural substance, it doesn’t mean it is safe for you, your dog, or your cat. Some forms of diatomaceous earth are not safe for human consumption.

The small particles can irritate your nasal passages if inhaled. It can also irritate your pet's skin or eyes due to its abrasive nature.

Food-grade DE is non-toxic to pets. But, avoid applying DE to your pet’s fur or dry skin. Asthma and other respiratory health concerns can arise if you or your pet ingest diatomaceous earth dust.

How does diatomaceous earth get rid of fleas on cats and dogs?

In general, diatomaceous earth dries out flea populations by absorbing the oils and fats of the insect's exoskeleton. When a flea ingests DE, the powdery substance kills the flea. Then, its sharp edges damage the insect.

Diatomaceous earth is effective at killing insects like bed bugs. But, flea eggs are not affected by it — making it only a short-term solution for flea infestations. There is also little research about the effects of diatomaceous earth on internal parasites.

How do I use diatomaceous earth for fleas?

Food-grade DE works best when used in your pet’s environment, rather than directly on your pet. But, it’s difficult to apply diatomaceous earth correctly and safely.

Here’s the ideal way to apply it in your home:

  • Remove all pets and humans from the treatment area
  • Sprinkle a small amount of DE powder over hardwood floors, carpets, and furniture
  • After 4 hours, use a shop vac to vacuum all treated surfaces (and any dead fleas)
  • Then you can allow humans and pets back into the area

Be sure your surfaces do not have traces of other diatomaceous earth left after treatment.

Direct contact with diatomaceous earth can irritate you and your pet’s eyes, skin, and nose. So, avoid breathing in DE powder and dust.

Using diatomaceous earth for fleas can be harmful to your furry friend if applied incorrectly. If you use DE, wear gloves, and be careful letting humans or pets sit on carpet or furniture after treatment.

How long does it take to work to kill fleas?

If applied correctly, adult fleas and other insects begin to die from using DE after about 4 hours. However, some pests may take up to 48 hours to feel the effects of DE. If your pet comes in contact with DE, contact a board-certified veterinary dermatologist for help.

Is boric acid better than diatomaceous earth for fleas?

Generally speaking, no. Boric acid is not a good solution for dogs and cats. You should not use boric acid to treat fleas on a dog or cat. Boric acid can poison humans and pets if ingested.

The best way to get rid of fleas in your house

Best way to get rid of fleas in your house

Using diatomaceous earth for fleas is not a long-lasting solution. Many alternative solutions are more effective and safer for your furry friends.

To effectively get rid of a flea infestation, follow these steps:

Get pet-friendly products.

Fleas and flea bites can lead to skin problems and other health issues for your pets. The best way to control fleas is to protect your pet with effective flea medication.

Topical treatments work best, but if you don't want to use a spot-on solution, you can use a flea comb to remove fleas and flea dirt from your pet's skin. There are also oral treatments and shampoos you can use on your pet.

But, a major infestation in your home often requires more work. So, we suggest using a household spray with an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) to get rid of fleas in your home.

Use a flea and tick preventative.

Fleas can lead to skin problems and other health issues for your pets. Protect all dogs and cats with a topical flea and tick treatment.

Most flea treatment provides coverage from fleas and ticks for up to 30 days. Be sure that all pets in your household receive treatment every month.

Consistent treatment reduces the risk of re-infestation in your home. Don't miss a month with subscription flea meds delivered to your door.

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Already have flea protection but still fighting fleas?

Pair your treatment with PetFriendly's Rapid Flea Removal Kit to effectively eliminate fleas on your pet and in your home.


Safeguard your home.

If your pet has fleas or lice your home probably does too. But don’t worry, safeguarding your home is a fairly simple process. Start by vacuuming all hardwood floors, carpets, furniture, and pet beds. Then, wash pet bedding, blankets, and toys in hot water.

To get rid of any active flea eggs, larvae, or adult fleas, use a household spray with an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). Pet-friendly pest control services are another option for flea control.

Whether you receive expert help or use something over-the-counter, remember to keep your pet protected year-round. Talk to your veterinarian about the best option for flea treatment for your furry friend.

It's understandable why some dog and cat parents use diatomaceous earth for fleas. But, protecting your pets from fleas and ticks is no small task.

Using safe, vet-quality products is the best way to get rid of an entire flea population and keep your pet healthy. Explore PetFriendly's easy-to-remember monthly flea and tick subscriptions.